Representing Architectural Design Using Virtual Computers (1997)

article⁄Representing Architectural Design Using Virtual Computers (1997)
abstract⁄The concept of the virtual computer is one of the most significant ideas to emerge in the field ofcomputing. Computational models of architectural design, including state models and processmodels, have been based in the past on the von Neumann model of computer systems. VonNeumann systems are characterized by stored programs and data, and sequential processingon a single processor. The concept of the virtual computer enables us to break away from thevon Neumann model in the representation of architectural design. Virtual computers can now beused to represent architectural design using concepts of parallel or networked systems. One ofthe limitations of modeling architectural design processes on the computer has been therepresentation of the processes as serial processes. Virtual computers can eliminate thatbottleneck. This paper introduces the concept of representing architectural design using virtualcomputers. The application of the concept in an auditorium design system developed by theauthor is briefly examined.
Year 1997
Authors Mahalingam, Ganapathy.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 51-61
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename representing-architectural-design-using-virtual-computers