Representation of Architectural Concepts in the Study of Precedents: A Concept-Learning System (1997)

article⁄Representation of Architectural Concepts in the Study of Precedents: A Concept-Learning System (1997)
abstract⁄Learning architectural concepts through the study of precedents is a common activity in designstudio. Traditionally, an instructor presents a design concept by showing selected examplesusing slides, photographs, drawings, texts and verbal analyses. This method relies on a linearmode of conveying design knowledge and is time bound. It emphasizes information retentionand recall of facts rather than an understanding of information. However, if information on architectural precedents are represented digitally in a systemdesigned to promote understanding of the material rather than just present facts, then somedisadvantages of the traditional method may be overcome and additional advantages may beachieved. This paper describes a computerassisted lesson system designed to representarchitectural concepts related to spatial composition in design by using graphic images and textand reports on its development, implementation and testing. The system relies on manycharacteristics, such as accessibility, interactivity, flexibility, rapid feedback, etc., which areknown to foster effective concept learning. The paper also evaluates the viability andeffectiveness of this system from a technological and logistical viewpoint as well as from aconcept learning viewpoint, and concludes with a discussion on other potential applications.
Year 1997
Authors Park, Taeyeol; Miranda, Valerian.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 123-129
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename representation-architectural-concepts-study-precedents