Relative Positioning (2015)

article⁄Relative Positioning (2015)
abstract⁄How we understand the world is directly affected by our position in it. Constellations are simply the result of cognitive alignments related to our location in the universe, the horizon simply based on proximity and time. Relative Positioning explores the power of position in architecture specifically, how Anamorphic projection and perspectival techniques can generate space and challenge our understanding of its form. Architectural illusion and perspectival deceptions have been investigated since antiquity in order to alter the perception of a given space, primarily used in an illusionary or optical manner. However, Anamorphic projection offers the potential to create dynamic spatial experiences that go well beyond simple projections or imagesshapes simply painted onto a surface. Within Relative Positioning, architectural form exists in 3dimensions real, physical but is perceived via procession and emergent perceptions based on choreographed alignments and focimaking it possible for a duality of visual perception to occur. Much like the diagonal movement through Villa Savoye or the space created by MattaClark’s cut, views and alignments add value, create perceptual shifts. One no longer views the architectural form as a whole, but as a collection of cinematic moments, fragments, serial form a tension of objectqualities that elicits spatial ambiguity that puts pressure on the ‘real’ and opens up a world of wonder and excitement. This is a new form of collage.
Year 2015
Authors McKay, Mike.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 243-250
Library link N/A
Entry filename relative-positioning