Real Time / Implication for Production Spaces (2009)

article⁄Real Time / Implication for Production Spaces (2009)
abstract⁄Systems of feedback loops and cybernetic methods have influenced for decades the production and consumption networks and supply and demand chains in computerintegrated manufacturing. These mechanisms contribute to the increased efficiency of production, expanding the ability of both manufacturers and production engineers to create a workplace with smoother supplychain management, as well as economies of scale and scope that are contingent on increased capitalism in a networked, globalized world. Mobility and flexibility are both physical and philosophical imperatives, aided by new smallscaled controls such as handheld wireless devices, which also contribute to a rising culture of nomadism. The shrinking scale of technologies and facilities has provided the mobile worker with numerous opportunities within complexly networked systems, forming a new paradigm for urban production spaces of the future. This paper is an investigation of how technology is changing and reshaping the architectural potentials for the contemporary industrial workplace.
Year 2009
Authors Rappaport, Nina.
Issue ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow
Pages 186-193
Library link N/A
Entry filename real-time-implication-production-spaces