Rapid Craft: Material Experiments towards an Integrated Sensing Skin System (2007)

article⁄Rapid Craft: Material Experiments towards an Integrated Sensing Skin System (2007)
abstract⁄The distinction between matter mechanics and information electronics in the context of responsive building skins has promoted unique design protocols for integrating sensor technologies into material components. Such a distinction results in applications of remote sensing after the process of material fabrication. Sensors are commonly perceived as electronic patches which initiate mechanical output with response to electrical input. This work seeks to establish a novel approach to the application of electronics in building skins, which prioritizes material selection, behavior, and fabrication technology in relation to the required task, over postproduction sensor integration. The term ‘Rapid Craft’ is proposed to describe such design protocols which couple material behavior and fabrication in the design of responsive skins. Rapid Craft is a designation for the incorporation of craft materialization knowledge within the framework of CNC processes of fabrication. A lightsensing inflatable skin system is developed as a working prototype, which demonstrates such an approach.
Year 2007
Authors Oxman, Neri.
Issue Expanding Bodies: Art Cities Environment
Pages 182-191
Library link Brian Lilley & Philip Beesley, 2007. bib⁄Expanding Bodies: Art - Cities - Environment. Riverside Architectural Press and Tuns Press.
Entry filename rapid-craft-material-experiments-towards-integrated