Quasi-Projection: Aperiodic Concrete Formwork for Perceived Surface Complexity (2009)

article⁄Quasi-Projection: Aperiodic Concrete Formwork for Perceived Surface Complexity (2009)
abstract⁄Aperiodic tiling patterns result in endlessly varied local configurations of a limited set of basic polygons, and as such may be used to economically produce nonrepeating, complex forms from a minimal set of modular elements. Several wellknown tilings, such as by Penrose 2D and Danzer 3D, have been used in architecture, but these are only two examples of an infinite set of possible tilings that can be generated by the projection in two or three dimensions of highdimensional grids subject to rotations. This paper proposes an interface that enables the user to parametrically search for such tilings. Assembly rules are explained by which arbitrary geometry as specified by NURBS surfaces may be based on the pattern to form a nonrepeating complex surface. As an example, the fabrication in concrete of a cylindrical tiling is used to demonstrate the mass production of a continuous, freeflowing structure with the aid of a minimum amount of formwork.
keywords⁄quasicrystalsaperiodic tilingstrip projection methodassembly rulestangential continuityformworkmodularity2009
Year 2009
Authors Ottevaere, Olivier; Hanna, Sean.
Issue ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow
Pages 75-81
Library link N/A
Entry filename quasi-projection