PUSH: Generating Structural Form with Haptic Feedback (1999)

article⁄PUSH: Generating Structural Form with Haptic Feedback (1999)
abstract⁄This paper looks into the use of haptic feedback also known as force feedback in helping generate and evolve structural forms, a process that is important to students of architecture and engineering. Force feedback provides these students with opportunities to ‘feel and manipulate’ virtual 3D structures in a very natural and intuitive way. It also makes it possible to have real time holistic evaluation of structures in a qualitative rather than quantitative manner, something of particular importance to introductorylevel students. Furthermore, the incorporation of force feedback into a highly interactive multimodal structural behavior application furnishes students not only with a means to observe virtual structures but also a tool to help generate and develop efficient, innovative and alternative ones. This also is of vital importance to students of architecture as they are often challenged to explore nonconventional forms. Implementing force feedback systems for these purposes need not necessarily require sophisticated and expensive VR hardware. This paper describes a structural behavior application called PUSH which utilizes a simple force feedback joystick connected a reasonably fast desktop computer.
Year 1999
Authors Garcia, Renato.
Issue Media and Design Process
Pages 252-259
Library link N/A
Entry filename push-generating-structural-form-with-haptic