Predictable Modelling Interaction Using High-Level Constraints: Making Objects Behave As They Would In Our Environment (1991)

article⁄Predictable Modelling Interaction Using High-Level Constraints: Making Objects Behave As They Would In Our Environment (1991)
abstract⁄An approach for a graphical CAD system that is capable of representing physical and geometric aspects of a design using highlevel constraints HLCs is presented. A prototype spatial planning system incorporating constraints is used in an interactive manner to refine designs by following an iterative approach which uses visual information to evaluate the design at each stage of iteration. Highlevel constraints aid this iterative approach by influencing or constraining the behavior of objects as they are interactively manipulated during the design stage of problem solving. Highlevel constraints also define the scaling properties of objects which are useful during the construction stage of problem solving. This system and its implications for the design of CAD systems incorporating HLCs are discussed.
Year 1991
Authors Papper, M.; Danahy, John; Baecker, R.
Issue Reality and Virtual Reality
Pages 211-222
Library link Glenn Goldman & Michael Stephen Zdepski, 1991. bib⁄Reality and Virtual Reality. ACADIA.
Entry filename predictable-modelling-interaction-using-high-level