Potentials for Multi-dimensional Tessellations in Architectural Applications (2011)

article⁄Potentials for Multi-dimensional Tessellations in Architectural Applications (2011)
abstract⁄Computationally, there exist significant potentials to integrate periodic repeating and aperiodic nonrepeating tessellations in architectural applications. While exploration of twodimensional and threedimensional tessellations appear in historically significant works, today, higherdimensional tessellations are capable of being generated computationally which may be useful in various architectural applications. This paper, a collaboration between an architect and mathematician, explores these processes and potentials. Insights will be offered into this early stage exploration regarding the creation and use of higherdimensional geometries for architectural applicationssuch as patterning, volumetric descriptions, and modular assemblages.
Year 2011
Authors Celento, David; Harriss, Edmund.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 308-313
Library link N/A
Entry filename potentials-multi-dimensional-tessellations-architectural-applications