Portable Generative Design for CAD Applications (2011)

article⁄Portable Generative Design for CAD Applications (2011)
abstract⁄Most CAD applications provide programming languages for automation and generative design. However, programs written in these languages are not portable because they execute only in the family of CAD applications for which they were originally written. Consequently, users are lockedin to one family of CAD applications and they cannot reuse programs written for other families. In this paper, we propose a solution to this problem Rosetta, a programming environment that is compatible with several CAD applications. Rosetta is composed of 1 an abstraction layer that allows portable and transparent access to several different CAD applications 2 backends that translate the abstraction layer into different CAD applications 3 frontend programming languages in which users write the generative design programs and 4 an intermediate programming language that encompasses the language constructs essential for geometric modeling and that is used as a compilation target for the frontends.Rosetta allows users to explore different frontends and backends, in order to find a combination that is most suitable for the problem at hand. As a result, users have access to different programming languages, namely, visual and textual, which can be used interchangeably to write generative design programs, without breaking portability. Furthermore, Rosetta ensures that a single program can be used to create identical geometric models in different CAD applications. This approach promotes the development of programs that are portable across the most used CAD applications, thus facilitating the dissemination of the programs and of the underlying ideas.
Year 2011
Authors Lopes, Jose; Leitao, Antonio.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 196-203
Library link N/A
Entry filename portable-generative-design-cad-applications