Pneumatically Actuated Material. Exploration of the mophospace of an adaptable system of soft actuators (2018)

article⁄Pneumatically Actuated Material. Exploration of the mophospace of an adaptable system of soft actuators (2018)
abstract⁄This research in progress investigates a design and fabrication method of an adaptable and programmable composite material in an embodied computation system. It develops a workflow for a behaviorbased model, the exploration of the morphospace associated with the combinatorial assembly and the actuation of soft elements. The aggregation of individually actuatable and soft units in a system creates a large potential regarding adaptability, flexibility and reconfigurability, through a nonrigid and nonmechanical system. The cells are developed through a process of prototyping on origami and auxetic pattern inspired soft robotic elements. Every soft cell is pneumatically actuated through a negative pressure environment. The computational simulation is informed by the prototyping process and its findings. The simulationbased design of such an assembled system allows prediction of the aggregated shape and outputs a sequencing table, describing the actuation status of every cell and can create a tool to communicate between material and computational system
keywords⁄work in progresspneumatic actuationadaptable soft material2018
Year 2018
Authors Kieffer, Lynn; Nicholas, Paul.
Issue ACADIA 2018: Recalibration. On imprecisionand infidelity.
Pages 294-301
Library link N/A
Entry filename pneumatically-actuated-material-exploration-mophospace-adaptable