Pneumatic Textile System (2016)

article⁄Pneumatic Textile System (2016)
abstract⁄This paper attempts to demonstrate a seamless transformable material system through an interdependent designed assembly of two materials with different material properties anisotropic knit textile and isotropic silicone but similar behaviors stretch. The transformable system is achieved by balancing the volumetric expansion through a silicone tube, under inflation, with the controlled resistance to stretch by a custom knit fabric. The use of a CNC knitting machine allows not only an opportunity to program the stretch behavior of a knit fabric, by controlling the amount of yarn material to be deposited, but also an ability to knit multiple layers of fabric simultaneously, in order to create a space capable of accommodating an external element seamlessly. The paper will showcase a series of experiments ranging from the initial search for compatible material combinations to the varied structures of the tube sleeve and its relationship with surrounding region. The final prototype attempts to utilize the various behavioral properties of the material system learned from the experiments to create a transformable threedimensional structure.
keywords⁄fabricknitcnc knittingpneumatic textileembedded responsiveness2016
Year 2016
Authors Wang, Adam; Ahlquist, Sean.
Issue ACADIA 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines
Pages 290-297
Library link N/A
Entry filename pneumatic-textile-system