A Parametric Multi-Criterion Housing Typology (2012)

article⁄A Parametric Multi-Criterion Housing Typology (2012)
abstract⁄Architects have been using computers for documentation but they are yet to engage them within a process designing that goes beyond basic representation. This paper explains a project that explores an alternate way computers could be unitized in architecture. More specifically, for the creation of mass customizable homes whose design quality can be controlled through the use of shape and grammar based rules that reliably produce controlled variation with its structure. The ultimate goal of the project was to develop a prototype within the parametric software grasshopper. The development of this project was based on the idea that homebuilders could engage this type of tool to deliver better products that could be custom tailored for their clients and architects could utilize within their design process.
keywords⁄parametrichousingshape grammar2012
Year 2012
Authors Willis, Bryce R.; Hemsath, Timothy; Hardy, Steve.
Issue ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies
Pages 501-510
Library link N/A
Entry filename parametric-multi-criterion-housing-typology