P3: An Integrated Environment to Support Design Collaboration (1997)

article⁄P3: An Integrated Environment to Support Design Collaboration (1997)
abstract⁄Buildings are the combined product of the efforts of many participants interacting in complexways over a prolonged period of time. Currently, sequential communication among theparticipants is the standard means of collaboration. This method, which is well suited tocurrent legal and professional practices, is inefficient, fraught with loss of information andprone to errors, cost and schedule overruns, and promotes optimization of individual parts atthe expense of the overall project. This paper describes an integrated design environmentthat will facilitate collaborative decision making among the various participants, not merelycommunicate the results of decisions made by one participant to the other participants in thedesign team. It is based on the convergence of computing and telecommunicationtechnologies, coupled with the emergence of new design paradigms, which together canovercome the technical difficulties associate with current collaborative design practices. Itcomprises three different modules a product model, a performance model, and a processmodel hence it is called P3. The paper presents each of these models and their integrationinto a unified framework.
Year 1997
Authors Kalay, Yehuda.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 191-205
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename p3-integrated-environment-to-support-design