Online Database for Structural Details - DeTra (2003)

article⁄Online Database for Structural Details - DeTra (2003)
abstract⁄DeTra is a research project that arose from the question ‘How is it possible to assist students and professionals in architecture, dealing with structural details’ Our solution is a structural detail database, which assists by presenting example solutions of similar designs. This research was conducted in two overlapping parts. The first part of the research included the definition of a structure and a language to describe structural detailsflexible enough to enable complex computer based queries, simple enough to be understandable. Major problems were the inclusion of vague terms, different meanings for the same word, and different words for the same fact. The second part was to create internetbased computer software, which utilizes the developed concepts and allows their evaluation. Thereby the system can be used with different access methods to the same data collection. This approach intends to present both standard detail examples and projectrelated detail examples. For that reason the structural connections will be presented including all available project data. The information includes texts, sketches, drawings, photos, animations, and the database description. Our implementation handles this content. According to the holistic presentation of the search results a strong tool for evaluation is given to the user.
Year 2003
Authors Pahle, Robert; Stein, Friedhelm.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 373-381
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename online-database-structural-details-detra