On the Structure and Elements of SEMPER (1996)

article⁄On the Structure and Elements of SEMPER (1996)
abstract⁄This paper introduces the concept, structure, components, and application results of ‘SEMPER’, an active, multiaspect computational tool for comprehensive simulationbased design assistance. Specifically, SEMPER seeks to meet the following requirements a a methodologically consistent first principlesbased performance modeling approach through the entire building design and engineering process b seamless and dynamic communication between the simulation models and an object oriented spacebased design environment using the structural homology of various domain representations and c ‘preferencebased’ performancetodesign mapping technology bidirectional inference. SEMPER involves the integrated computational modeling of heat transfer, air flow, HVAC system performance, thermal comfort, daylighting and electrical lighting, acoustics, and lifecycle assessment.
Year 1996
Authors Mahdavi, A.; Mathew, P.; Lee, S.; Brahme, R.; Kumar, Shilpi; Liu, G.; Ries, R.; Wong, N.H.
Issue Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy
Pages 71-84
Library link Patricia McIntosh & Filiz Ozel, 1996. bib⁄Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy. ACADIA.
Entry filename on-structure-elements-semper