Old Wine in New Wine Skins: Architecture, Representation and Electronic Media (1997)

article⁄Old Wine in New Wine Skins: Architecture, Representation and Electronic Media (1997)
abstract⁄Architectural computing too often is disengaged from thecentral culture of architectural discourse and traditionalmeans of making. This paper proposes that one way tobridge this gap is to introduce electronic media in thecontext of a processoriented theory of architecturalrepresentation one that is principally concerned withissues of conception, intention, and perception. Thisapproach to the use of computers in the design processrequires the introduction of a morphology ofrepresentational modes that are intrinsic to the Architectand his musings, and proposes a pedagogical emphasison electronic media’s ability to perform in conjunctionwith the design intentions of these variousrepresentational forms.
Year 1997
Authors DeLaura, Louis P.
Issue Design and Representation
Pages 73-82
Library link J. Peter Jordan, Bettina Mehnert & Anton Harfmann, 1997. bib⁄Design and Representation. ACADIA.
Entry filename old-wine-new-wine-skins