The Ocean Tracking Network (2007)

article⁄The Ocean Tracking Network (2007)
abstract⁄The Ocean Tracking Network OTN is a largescale global initiative that comprehensively monitors ocean conditions and marine life response to these conditions. Scientists are tagging sea creatures, from salmon to whales, with tiny transmitters so that their movements can be tracked for over 20 years by receivers placed at onekilometre intervals along the ocean floor. Pressure sensors added to these receivers allow realtime measurements of ocean depth, temperature and salinity, all of which provide significant information about climate change and the likelihood of natural disasters such as tsunamis. On shore, scientists around the world can receive this information regularly and upload it to a central database, resulting in current and reliable international records.
Year 2007
Authors O’dor, Ron; Stokesbury, Dr. Michael.
Issue Expanding Bodies: Art Cities Environment
Pages 156
Library link Brian Lilley & Philip Beesley, 2007. bib⁄Expanding Bodies: Art - Cities - Environment. Riverside Architectural Press and Tuns Press.
Entry filename ocean-tracking-network