Observation, Analysis, and Computation of Branching Patterns in Natural Systems (2008)

article⁄Observation, Analysis, and Computation of Branching Patterns in Natural Systems (2008)
abstract⁄Branching occurs in natural systems for functional reasons. However, the branching logic for each specific system is quite different due to environmental and mathematical factors. In the computation of branching systems, these mathematical factors can be incorporated quite easily into the coding of each system. However, it is the environmental components that must be given further consideration in the simulation of these natural systems. Through the engine of genetic algorithms based on evolutionary developmental theory, the specific logics observed and analyzed in branching patterns of river systems, trees, and insect tracheae can be simulated and optimized in a digital environment.
Year 2008
Authors Greenberg, Evan.
Issue Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation,
Pages 316-323
Library link N/A
Entry filename observation-analysis-computation-branching-patterns-natural