Object-Field (2020)

article⁄Object-Field (2020)
abstract⁄This project aims to continue the correlative study between two fundamental entities of digital architecture the object and the field. Following periods of experimentations on the ‘‘field’’ materialization of flows of data through animation, the ‘‘field of objects’’ parametricism, the ‘‘object’’ OOO, we investigate the last possible interaction remaining the ‘‘objectfield,’’ by merging the formal characteristics of the object with the structural flow of its internal field. This investigation is achieved by exploring the highresolution features of 3d printing in the design of autonomous architectural objects expressing materiality through topological optimization. The objects are generated by an iterative process of volumetric reduction, resulting in an ensemble of monoliths. Four of them are selected and analyzed through topological optimization in order to extract their internal fields. Next, a series of highresolution algorithmic systems translate the structural information into 3d printed materiality. Of the four objectfields, one materializes, close to identical, the result of the optimization, giving the keystone to understanding the others. The second one expresses the structural flow through a 1mm voxel system, informed by the optimization, having the effect of stiffening the structure where it is needed and thus generating a new topography on the object. The last two explore the blur that this highresolution can paradoxically create, with complete integration of the optimal structure in a transparent monolith. This is achieved by a vertex displacement algorithm, and the dissolution of the formal data of the monolith and the structural flows, through the mereological assembly of simple linear elements. For each objectfield, a series of drawings was developed using specific algorithmic procedures derived from the peculiarities of their complex geometry. The drawings aim to catalyze coherence throughout the project, where similarities, hitherto kept apart by the multiple materialities, begin to dialogue.
Year 2020
Authors Bernier-Lavigne, Samuel.
Issue ACADIA 2020: Distributed Proximities / Volume II: Projects
Pages 208-213
Library link N/A
Entry filename object-field