A New Agenda for Computer-Aided Architectural Design (1989)

article⁄A New Agenda for Computer-Aided Architectural Design (1989)
abstract⁄The essential theoretical foundations for today’s practical computeraided design systems were laid more than two decades ago. They have served us well, but they are now sorely in need of revision. This paper suggests some directions that this revision might take. In particular, I focus on the roles of ambiguity and discontinuity in shape interpretation, instability in rules for carrying out shape computations, and nonmonotonicity in critical reasoning. I suggest that the challenge before us is to build a new generation of CAD systems that respond in sophisticated ways to these issues.
Year 1989
Authors Mitchell, William.
Issue New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s
Pages 27-43
Library link Chris I. Yessios, 1989. bib⁄New ideas and Directions for the 1990's. ACADIA.
Entry filename new-agenda-computer-aided-architectural-design