Multidimensional Presentation Environments with IntegratedIntelligent Agents (2003)

article⁄Multidimensional Presentation Environments with IntegratedIntelligent Agents (2003)
abstract⁄A Multidimensional Presentation Environment MPE is defined here as a digital environment containing spatially located data that can be navigated by a presenter. Given an array of data types and the potential infinity of the associated datascapes, there is an opportunity to develop systems that assist the presenter in the navigation and analysis of complex information scenarios. This research reports on the utilisation of intelligentagent based software for a better understanding of spatial information representation within the MPE. This is achieved by utilising intelligent agent software to aid the presenter in the searching, retrieving, and articulation of datasets, and the application of such technologies in the generation of time based 3D graphical and audio presentations.
Year 2003
Authors More, Gregory; Padgham, L.; Mathieson, I.; Burry, Mark.
Issue Connecting » Crossroads of Digital Discourse
Pages 421-425
Library link Kevin R. Klinger, 2003. bib⁄Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse. ACADIA.
Entry filename multidimensional-presentation-environments-with-integratedintelligent-agents