Multi-scalar Agent-based complex design systems - The case of CECO (Climatic-Ecologies) studio: Informed generative design systems and performance-driven design workflows (2014)

article⁄Multi-scalar Agent-based complex design systems - The case of CECO (Climatic-Ecologies) studio: Informed generative design systems and performance-driven design workflows (2014)
abstract⁄This paper illustrates the application of different types of complex systems for digital form finding and design decision making with underlying methodological and pedagogical aims to emphasize performancedriven design solutions via combining generative methods of complex systems with simulation techniques.
keywords⁄agent-based systemsgenerative systemsperformance-driven designenvironmental analysisdesign information integration2014
Year 2014
Authors Mostafavi, Sina; Yu, Soungmin; Biloria, Nimish.
Issue ACADIA 14: Design Agency
Pages 111-116
Library link N/A
Entry filename multi-scalar-agent-based-complex-design