Motion and Modular Architecture (2011)

article⁄Motion and Modular Architecture (2011)
abstract⁄This paper presents an implementation of an architectural module that corresponds to a long serial chain modular robot. As such, this configuration poses possibilities that can move using travelling wave gaits based on snakes and caterpillars. The gaits are controlled with a Gait Control Table which is a simple but powerful way to coordinate the motion of a multiple degreeoffreedom systems. The gaits are implemented on a selfsufficient modular reconfigurable robot with onboard power, computation, sensors and actuators.
Year 2011
Authors Kim, Simon; Yim, Mark; Laucharoen, Jedtsada; Wetmore, Michael; Salek, Sanam; Pan, Sam.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 350-357
Library link N/A
Entry filename motion-modular-architecture