The Most Important Airplane In The History Of Architecture (2008)

article⁄The Most Important Airplane In The History Of Architecture (2008)
abstract⁄Composite structures consist of high strength carbon threads held together in a matrix of epoxy resin or thermoplastics. Surfaces made from these materials are typically 10 times lighter and 1.5 times stronger than aluminum. Both simple and highly contoured shapes possessing extreme strength can be produced using a computer controlled fiber placement machine FPM. These incredibly thin, corrosion resistant membranes require little or no supplemental support to manage loads and enclose space. The computer’s ability to determine the precise location of each fiber strand in a fiber placed part also facilitates unprecedented control of its aesthetic and functional properties. Fiber placement technology integrates building components that would normally be separated into clearly distinct systems. Here ornament, structure and cladding are collapsed into one material process. This paper explores the architectural potential of a technology normally reserved for aerospace applications through research conducted in close collaboration with fiber placement engineers at Automated Dynamics in Schenectady, New York ADC.
keywords⁄compositedigital fabricationfiberskinstructure2008
Year 2008
Authors Silver, Mike.
Issue Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation,
Pages 376-381
Library link N/A
Entry filename most-important-airplane-history-architecture