Modeling Urban Spaces: GIS and CAD Compared (2002)
article⁄Modeling Urban Spaces: GIS and CAD Compared (2002)
abstract⁄This research is producing digital cartographic models of the urban space of Rome, NY. Workingbetween two software packages for spatial visualization that are now ubiquitous in architecture FormZand geography ArcView, the project takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding howavailable data sources and modes of visualization enable or discourage particular understandings ofurban space. The project is designed specifically to work within, and develop, a critique of theconstraints of the two software packages. Rather than encouraging a deceptively smooth integration ofwhat may be fundamentally incommensurable forms of knowledge, this project begins with the premisethat vocabularies and conceptions of space vary considerably in various disciplines, as do the modes ofvisualization that each has developed to represent, document, examine, and produce space.