Modeling Architectural Forms through Replacement Operations (1989)

article⁄Modeling Architectural Forms through Replacement Operations (1989)
abstract⁄Replacement operations, where an element at any topological level may be replaced by another element at the same or different topological level, are defined. Their potential as design tools which may be incorporated in a CAD system is investigated and demonstrated through the experimental implementation of two such operations in MARCOS, a Modeling Architectural Compositions System. MARCOS has been written in C. It is highly interactive and runs on an Apple Macintosh IIx. The two operations which have been implemented are the face volume and volume volume replacements. They were chosen for their potential as generators of architectural forms. Examples of architectural compositions produced through the use of replacement operations are also illustrated.
Year 1989
Authors Bonn, Markus.
Issue New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s
Pages 103-130
Library link Chris I. Yessios, 1989. bib⁄New ideas and Directions for the 1990's. ACADIA.
Entry filename modeling-architectural-forms-through-replacement-operations