A Model to Space (2015)

article⁄A Model to Space (2015)
abstract⁄Architects are used to work with models since the early beginnings of Renaissance. These models were made to conceive spatial objects before they become realized. Nowadays space seems to be outdated There are information topologies, virtuality, and globalization. Our models are logistical rather than spatial and they become increasingly complicated. They put an emphasis on energy or costefficiency rather than the vividness of a localized place. But as Architects we are supposed to be ,Aomasters of space’. And somehow it feels like we have lost our domain and degraded ourselves to attaching nice skins on increasingly optimized concrete or steelskeletons. In this sense it might be necessary to reconsider our mastership upon the articulation of space. One way to achieve this might be that computation could do more than just deliver increasingly intriguing geometries, instead it might offer us a look at the spaces conceivable but not yet imaginable computed as information topologies and then rendered back into the geometrical framework of physical space. New media have entered our perception to a degree never imagined by future sciences of the past. So the question arises if spacetime can still be considered as a single layer in actuality. As individualization takes command, being special becomes normality. In a quantized society, where many cultures coexist at the same places simultaneously, a new model to space must deal with the superposition of territories.
keywords⁄modelscomputationdigitizationarchitectural history-theorytopology <=> geometryactive spaceinversioninterlaced fieldsparadigm shift2015
Year 2015
Authors Lagemann, Dennis.
Issue ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene
Pages 149-159
Library link N/A
Entry filename model-to-space