Micro-computers and Computer Aided Design Instruction (1986)

article⁄Micro-computers and Computer Aided Design Instruction (1986)
abstract⁄During the past few years we have been involved in a variety of experiments that teach the use of computers to noncomputer oriented architecture students. These teaching experiences have led to the development of an experimental, entrylevel course in computeraided architectural design using the Macintosh personal computer. Objectives of this course included a to provide an introductory course to students with little or no prior computer experience, b to use the course as a vehicle for illustrating principles of computeraided design, c to course so that it would be applicable to design in general, not just architectural design, and d whenever possible, to use ‘off the shelf’, generic, readily accessible software. The history of these developments will be presented along with a very preliminary evaluation of results.
Year 1986
Authors Johnson, Robert.
Issue ACADIA Workshop ‘86 Proceedings
Pages 173-181
Library link James A. Turner, 1986. bib⁄Architectural Education, Research and Practice in the Next Decade. ACADIA.
Entry filename micro-computers-computer-aided-design-instruction