Metaphors in Design: An Experiment with a Frame, Two Lines and Two Rectangles (1992)

article⁄Metaphors in Design: An Experiment with a Frame, Two Lines and Two Rectangles (1992)
abstract⁄The research we will discuss below originated from an attempt to examine the capacity of designers to evaluate an artifact, and to study the feasibility of replicating a designer’s moves intended to make an artifact more expressive of a given quality. We will present the results of an interactive computer experiment, first developed at the MIT Design Research Seminar, which is meant to capture the subject’s actions in a simple design task as a series of successive ‘moves’’. We will propose that designers use metaphors in their interaction with design artifacts and we will argue that the concept of metaphors can lead to a powerful theory of design activity. Finally, we will show how such a theory can drive the project of building a design system.When trying to understand how designers work, it is tempting to examine design products in order to come up with the principles or norms behind them. The problem with such an approach is that it may lead to a purely syntactical analysis of design artifacts, failing to capture the knowledge of the designer in an explicit way, and ignoring the interaction between the designer and the evolving design. We will present a theory about design activity based on the observation that knowledge is brought into play during a design task by a process of interpretation of the design document. By treating an evolving design in terms of the meanings and rules proper to a given way of seeing, a designer can reduce the complexity of a task by focusing on certain of its aspects, and can manipulate abstract elements in a meaningful way.
Year 1992
Authors Fargas, Josep; Papazian, Pegor.
Issue Computer Supported Design in Architecture: Mission, Method, Madness
Pages 13-22
Library link Karen M. Kensek & Douglas Noble, 1992. bib⁄Computer Supported Design in Architecture: Mission, Method, Madness. ACADIA.
Entry filename metaphors-design