Material Swarm Articulations: The New View Reciprocal Frame Canopy (2014)

article⁄Material Swarm Articulations: The New View Reciprocal Frame Canopy (2014)
abstract⁄NEW VIEW is a pavilion structure that explores how a swarm driven and form found tectonic system is applied to a nonuniform parametric reciprocal frame structure can be combined with material properties, the vernacular and fabrication techniques in order to design and construct novel spatial structures through a material swarm articulation.
keywords⁄form findinggenerative designparametric designdigital fabricationagent based systemscraft in a digital agematerial tectonics2014
Year 2014
Authors Pantazis, Evangelos; Gerber, David; Pantazis, Jason.
Issue ACADIA 14: Design Agency
Pages 127-130
Library link N/A
Entry filename material-swarm-articulations