Material Intensities (2012)

article⁄Material Intensities (2012)
abstract⁄As host organizers of the Smartgeometry 2012 Conference, professors of Architecture, and as principals in design firms, our work aims to use as a productive resistance the notion of Material Intensity described below as both a foil and measure to current concepts of simulation and intensive modeling in architectural computation. The holding of SG 2012 aimed to stage this resistance in the form of workshop, roundtable discussions, lectures and symposia, with the outcome attempting to define a new synthetic notion of material intensities in modes of architectural production. This paper aims to form the basis of a continued exploration and development of this work. In summary we focused on 1Intensive thinking as derived from the material sciences as an actual and philosophical framework that emphasizes qualitative attributes, which is likened to behavior, simulation, and dynamic modeling. Extensive attributes lead to analytical, representational and static modeling. 2Material practices can also be formed and as a result of this method of thinking. As demonstrated by the glasswork of Evan Douglis, ‘paintings’ by Perry Hallthe managed complexity possible by working with materials during intensive states of change allow for scalar, morphological and performative shifts according to a designer’s criteria. 3 Although both are necessary and actually complement each other, architects need to ‘catchup’ to intensive thinking in process and modeling strategies. Our methods rely on static modeling that yield often complicated frameworks and results, wherein accepting methods of dynamic modeling suggests the capacity to propose complex and nuanced relationships and frameworks.
keywords⁄material intensitiesintensive thinkingmaterial practice2012
Year 2012
Authors Comodromos, Demetrios A.; Ellinger, Jefferson.
Issue ACADIA 12: Synthetic Digital Ecologies
Pages 109-113
Library link N/A
Entry filename material-intensities