Lithophanic Dunes: The Dunejars (2019)

article⁄Lithophanic Dunes: The Dunejars (2019)
abstract⁄The design of masonry, tile, and ceramics is an integral part of architectural history. High fired clays are unique in that they are amorphous, vitreous, and translucent. Similar types of light transmission through minerals and clays has been achieved in window panes using alabaster or marble, but unlike porcelain these cannot be cast, and they are susceptible to moisture. Additionally, glass and metal are commonly used to glaze ceramics, andthis provides further possibility for the combination of translucency with surface ornamentation and decaling. It is within this architectural lineage, of compound stone and glass objects, that the Dunejars are situated. The Dunejars are translucent porcelain vessels that are designed as lenses to transmit different wavelengths of light into intricate and unexpected patterns. Similar recipes for porcelain were developed using wax positives during the 19th century to manufacture domestic Lithophanes picturesque screens made of translucent porcelain, often displayed in windows or produced as candle shades Maust 1966. The focus of the research involves pinpointing the lithophanic qualities of the clay so that they can be repeated by recipe, and refined through a digital workflow. The methods outlined here are the product of an interdisciplinary project residency at The European Ceramic Workcenter SundaymorningEKWC in 2018 to make tests, and obtain technical precision in the areas of, plaster mold design, slipcasting, finishing, firing, and glazing of the Dunejars. The modular implementation of these features at the scale of architecture can be applied across a range of scales, including fixtures, finishes and envelopes, all of which merit further investigation.
Year 2019
Authors Russo, Rhett.
Pages 606-615
Library link N/A
Entry filename lithophanic-dunes