Let's Work Together: A Stigmergic Approach to Acoustic Design (2011)

article⁄Let's Work Together: A Stigmergic Approach to Acoustic Design (2011)
abstract⁄This paper explores the application of agentbased modeling techniques to the domain of acoustics design. Concepts derived from Stigmergy, which is a class of mechanisms that mediate interactions between social organisms, are applied to a custom implementation of a raytracing based acoustics simulator. Rays are given the agency of changing the geometric and material properties of the surfaces they come in contact with during the raytracing phase. The acoustic simulation process is an active one, where the modeled room environment is adapted while being evaluated. Given performance criteria as input, the simulation process is applied to an auditorium example. The auditorium is adapted and its eventual emergent design has improved acoustic performance. It is hoped that this work will demonstrate the potential of coupling multiagent systems with simulation processes in order to create new design tools.
Year 2011
Authors Lim, Jason.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 396-403
Library link N/A
Entry filename let-s-work-together