Knowledge-Based Computational Support for Architectural Design (1994)

article⁄Knowledge-Based Computational Support for Architectural Design (1994)
in issues⁄
abstract⁄The process of architectural design aims to define a physical form that will achieve certain functional and behavioral objectives in a particular context. It comprises three distinct, but highly interrelated, operations 1 Definition of the desired objectives 2 production of alternative design solutions 3 evaluation of the expected performances of the solutions and their comparison to the predefined objectives. Design can be viewed as a process of search for a solution that satisfies stated needs, while at the same time adapting the needs to the opportunities and limitations inherent in the emerging solution. Computational techniques were developed to assist each one of the three operations, with varying degrees of success. We propose to integrate all three operations into one whole, by developing a computational model that will facilitate smooth transition from one operation to another. The role of computers in supporting this model will include providing a knowledge base of prototypical design objectives and solutions, storing projectspecific design goals and solutions, and predicting their expected performances. This paper discusses the rationale and background for developing such a knowledgebased design system, and presents the parameters for implementing it as a computational tool to support architectural design. Examples from a prototype implementation serve to illustrate the discussion.
Year 1994
Authors Carrara, Gianfranco; Kalay, Yehuda; Novembri, Gabriele.
Issue Reconnecting
Pages 5-12
Library link Anton Harfmann & Mike Fraser, 1994. bib⁄Reconnecting. ACADIA.
Entry filename knowledge-based-computational-support-architectural-design