A Knowledge-based Approach to Building Design and Performance Evaluation (1991)

article⁄A Knowledge-based Approach to Building Design and Performance Evaluation (1991)
abstract⁄The introduction of physicallybased description and simulation methods to issues of building performance i.e., acoustic, visual, and air quality thermal comfort, cost, and longterm system integrity began in the early 1960s as one of the first examples of computeraided design in architecture. Since that time, the development of commerciallyavailable computeraided design systems has largely been oriented towards the visualization and representation of the geometry of buildings, while the development of building performance applications has been concerned with approaches to mathematical and physicsbased modeling for predictive purposes.
Year 1991
Authors Van Wyk, Skip; Bhat, R.; Gauchel, J.; Hartkopf, V.
Issue Reality and Virtual Reality
Pages 1-14
Library link Glenn Goldman & Michael Stephen Zdepski, 1991. bib⁄Reality and Virtual Reality. ACADIA.
Entry filename knowledge-based-approach-to-building-design