Knitectonics (2011)

article⁄Knitectonics (2011)
abstract⁄The project Knitectonics aims at exploring digital fabrication systems that facilitate optimized, adaptive and specific integrated architectural solutions MaleAlemany 2010. It is inspired by the beauty of nature systems with their inherent efficiency and performance. The research explored onsite fabrication of monocoques shells, integrating skin and structure along with services and infrastructure, using a simple household technique. It thus embodies a self organized micro system of textures and a macro system of structures. This paper elaborates how the numeric aspects of a textile technique were used, first to digitally imitate the process of assembly and further exploited to develop and visualize a novel fabrication system, based on material research and technical experimentation.
Year 2011
Authors Chaturvedi, Sanhita; Colmenares, Esteban; Mundim, Thiago.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 186-195
Library link N/A
Entry filename knitectonics