Kinetic Tensegrity Grids with 3D Compressed Components (2009)

article⁄Kinetic Tensegrity Grids with 3D Compressed Components (2009)
abstract⁄This paper details a series of preliminary explorations into the concept of kinetic tensegrity grids that can respond to stimuli by changing their shape, porosity, and transparency. The research presented explores doublelayer tensegrity grids that utilize 3D ‘compressed’ components. A case study demonstrates their applicability to the formation of sophisticated building envelopes that can actively or passively respond to changes in the environment. A computational formfinding tool is introduced to study design variations in real time. This tool is shown to expand the design spectrum by supporting increased complexity and revealing unexpected design potential. This research is significant as it outlines a practical methodology for conceiving responsive building systems. In particular, it illustrates an approach that synthesizes design concerns with engineering and fabrication goals.
Year 2009
Authors Frumar, Jerome; Zhou, Yi Yi.
Issue ACADIA 09: reForm( ) - Building a Better Tomorrow
Pages 255-258
Library link N/A
Entry filename kinetic-tensegrity-grids-with-3d-compressed