Just in Place Learning: A Novel Framework for Employing Information in 'Place' for Urban Learning Environments (2010)

article⁄Just in Place Learning: A Novel Framework for Employing Information in 'Place' for Urban Learning Environments (2010)
abstract⁄Nineteenth century models of education and learning which dictate that information is passed on from teacher to apprentice abstract in a closed classroom environment seem archaic to us, especially since so much of our experiences are constructed in the outside world. Advances in ubiquitous and calm computing social and immersive media and urban locative technologies now allow for embedding complex information into physical environments and thus open up possibilities for teachers to set up carefully tagged student engagements in the real worldin ‘places’ where real scientific phenomena are happening and technological artifacts can be engaged with. However these models are seldom successful because they are employed without an understanding of changing paradigms of learning. In this paper, we look at several new developments in learning models and use them to develop Just in Place learning, a novel framework which harnesses embodiment, place, and the potential of new locative technologies to augment traditional practicebased learning. Just in Place learning provides new potential for teachers and students to engage with information in ‘place,’ exploit the urban environment as the new classroom, and the built environment as a portal for situated learning.
keywords⁄urban computinginteractive environmentseducationdigital media learning2010
Year 2010
Authors Mathew, Anijo.
Issue ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture
Pages 73-80
Library link N/A
Entry filename just-place-learning