Janus Printing (2019)

article⁄Janus Printing (2019)
abstract⁄The benefits of additive manufacturing technologies for the production of customized construction elements has been well documented for several decades. Multimaterial additive manufacturing MMAM enhances these capacities by introducing regionspecific characteristics to printed objects.Several examples of the production of multimaterial assemblies, including functionallygraded materials FGMs exist at the architectural scale, but none are known for ceramics. Factors limiting the development and application of this production method include the cost and complexity of existing MMAM machinery, and the lack of a suitable computational workflow for the production of MMAM ceramics, which often relies on a continuous linear toolpath. We present a method for the MMAM of pastebased ceramics that allows for unique material expressions with relatively simple endeffector design. By borrowing methods of coextrusion found in other industries and incorporating a 4th axis of motion into the printing process, we demonstrate a precisely controlled MMAM deposition strategy for pastebased ceramics. We present a computational workflow for the generation of toolpaths,and describe fullbody tiles and 3D artifacts that can be produced using this method. Future process refinements include the introduction of more precise control of material gradation and refinements to material composition for increased element functionality.
Year 2019
Authors Garcia del Castillo, Jose Luis; Bechthold, Martin; Seibold, Zach; Mhatre, Saurabh; Alhadidi, Suleiman.
Pages 576-585
Library link N/A
Entry filename janus-printing