iPortals' as a Case Study Pre-Prototype of an Evolving Network of Interactive Spatial Components (2008)

article⁄iPortals' as a Case Study Pre-Prototype of an Evolving Network of Interactive Spatial Components (2008)
abstract⁄The art and craft of design and creation of buildings is undergoing a radical paradigm shift. This shift is being driven by diverse novel crossdisciplinary technical possibilities, as well as by ongoing cultural transformations. They all, directly or indirectly, originate from omnipresent advancements in information technologies. Instant and ubiquitous availability of information and immediate access to computing power pervasively penetrating our lives is profoundly transforming our culture. This phenomenon has enormous implications for architecture in a multitude of ways1. Firstly, the speed of changes that occur in modernday culture and society makes it inconvenient or even entirely impossible to design buildings with fixed and permanent functionalities. As lifestyle patterns, production methods and environmental conditions, to name a few factors only, may now dramatically change from one day to another, architecture has to become flexible. It has to allow dynamic, active, or even proactive adaptation and customization of spaces on many levels of its functionality2. Secondly, these profound cultural changes are not only of technical relevance. In its processdriven character, information technology strongly mandates the already widely recognized ontology of becoming, proclaimed by the prominent minds of contemporary philosophy and science. This processoriented worldview, supported by latest technological possibilities3, has caused a radical change in the common sense of the manner in which architecture has to be understood and dealt with4. As an effect, it requires an indepth reconsideration of the nature of processes of both creation and participation in spatial environments.
keywords⁄environmentinteractiveopen systemsprototypeskin2008
Year 2008
Authors Jaskiewicz, Tomasz.
Issue Silicon + Skin: Biological Processes and Computation,
Pages 174-181
Library link N/A
Entry filename iportals-case-study-pre-prototype-evolving