An Interactive Urban Database (1993)

article⁄An Interactive Urban Database (1993)
abstract⁄This paper describes a development process and mechanism for transmitting academic research and information to the community and the profession, and attempts to examine the effect of the information on the community. It is about my recent work with students on the design and development of a prototype interactive electronic document for archiving and visualizing information on an urban area. The work reflects the initial phase of a three year research grant and is a prototype document of a pilot area. The design and visualization of information for this area will establish the primary organization and graphic user interface, for the entire project. The final document will provide community organizations and city agencies with an interactive tool for visualizing and evaluating neighborhood planning and design proposals.
Year 1993
Authors Fox, C. William.
Issue Education and Practice: The Critical Interface
Pages 69-75
Library link ACADIA, 1993. bib⁄Education and Practice: The Critical Interface. ACADIA.
Entry filename interactive-urban-database