Interactive Placemaking: Three Critical Enquiries into Urban Interactions in Place (2011)

article⁄Interactive Placemaking: Three Critical Enquiries into Urban Interactions in Place (2011)
abstract⁄Project for Public Spaces Project for Public Spaces defines placemaking as a process that fosters the creation of vital public destinations the kind of places where people feel a strong stake in their communities and a commitment to making things better. This paper uses 3 design implementations to argue that architects and designers must reconstruct these ideas of placemaking in the evolving social, cultural, economic and technological context of our time. The projects are used as critical enquiries to explore how designers can integrate current socialeconomic and cultural thinking from design, business, and computing and show how evolving interactive connected technologies can lead to new ways of constructing located and connected place.
Year 2011
Authors Mathew, Anijo.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 362-371
Library link N/A
Entry filename interactive-placemaking