Interactive Geometric Design of Architectural Freeform Hulls with Embedded Fabrication Information (2010)

article⁄Interactive Geometric Design of Architectural Freeform Hulls with Embedded Fabrication Information (2010)
abstract⁄As a possible solution to the quandary of seeing two natural parts of the architectural processfree design and successive rationalizationin the hands of two separate professions when it comes to freeform architecture, this paper proposes the incorporation of respective geometric information into architectural design tools. An exemplary prototypical software is introduced, empowering an architect to interactively design and edit architectural freeform shapes represented as regular quad meshes with planar faces. The sustained planarity of faces is an integral part of the design process, thus considerably decreasing the need for elaborate post processing towards feasibility.
keywords⁄architectural geometryarchitectural freeform designpq meshesplanar quadsarchitectural cad modeling2010
Year 2010
Authors Schmiedhofer, Heinz.
Issue ACADIA 10: LIFE in:formation, On Responsive Information and Variations in Architecture
Pages 348-356
Library link N/A
Entry filename interactive-geometric-design-architectural-freeform-hulls