Interactive Color Theory - Education, Research and Practice: The Development of CoMoS3 (1987)

article⁄Interactive Color Theory - Education, Research and Practice: The Development of CoMoS3 (1987)
abstract⁄This paper describes one way to integrate the computer into architectural color research, teaching, and practice. In my work with the Architecture and Interior Architecture programs at the University of Oregon, I am currently developing software exploiting the full threedimensional and dynamic nature of the Munsell color organization, thereby making it easier for students to learn and apply color theory. CoMoS3 provides an interactive means of understanding and exploring color relationships from within the Munsell system of organization, employing the Munsell harmonies essentially as both a theoretical datum and an interactive ‘mentor’ for color studies. In describing CoMoS3, Color Modelling System in 3D, this paper proposes a method for the integration of computers into one of the more creative and subjective aspects of architectural education and practice. The paper also discusses the problems inherent in this approach and suggests directions for future work.
Year 1987
Authors Wilcox, R. Peter.
Issue Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum
Pages 77-86
Library link Barbara-Jo Novitski, 1987. bib⁄Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum. ACADIA.
Entry filename interactive-color-theory-education-research-practice