The Intelligent Pencil: A framework for CAAD in Education (1986)

article⁄The Intelligent Pencil: A framework for CAAD in Education (1986)
abstract⁄Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education CAADE can only be meaningful if it brings meaningful answers to meaningful questions about architecture and architectural education. In the discourse about CAAD and CAADE these questions are completely absent this can be concluded from 1. an absolute lack of architecturaltheoretical and historical reflection, without which no architecture can exist 2. a frequent confusion between designing and drawing the latter being a non neutral tool for the former 3. the absence of a clear understanding of the way in which architecture comes about what are the concepts and entities an architect is working with and how does he manipulate them 4. no clear insights about the way architectural ‘design by hand’ should be taught and a fortiori about the way a computer could help.
Year 1986
Authors Neuckermans, Herman.
Issue ACADIA Workshop ‘86 Proceedings
Pages 113-128
Library link James A. Turner, 1986. bib⁄Architectural Education, Research and Practice in the Next Decade. ACADIA.
Entry filename intelligent-pencil