Integrating Digital Media in the Lanscape Architecture Studio: Overlaying Media and Process (1998)

article⁄Integrating Digital Media in the Lanscape Architecture Studio: Overlaying Media and Process (1998)
abstract⁄For landscape architecture students beginning to experiment with computer generated imagery, the focus should be onintegrating digital media in a comprehensive manner, throughoutvarious phases of the design process. Digital media exercisesmust be developed in such a manner that they support, expressand enhance the design content of a studio project in conjunctionwith the chosen design process. In a beginninglevel studio, digital media is best explored through easytolearn applications in astructured yet flexible studio environment.One powerful way to integrate digital media with designinquiry in a comprehensive and reciprocal manner is the electronic overlay of information and poetic impressions. This methodtakes on particular relevance in dealing with the multiple issuesthat face landscape architects today.
Year 1998
Authors Van Asperdt, Anita; Diamond, Beth.
Issue Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference?
Pages 74-86
Library link N/A
Entry filename integrating-digital-media-lanscape-architecture-studio