Integrating Difference (2011)

article⁄Integrating Difference (2011)
abstract⁄In developing this year’s ACADIA Conference, the organizing committee spent much time discussing the various streams of papers, projects and contributions that form its content. Often these questions have focused on what disciplines can be defined as being ‘allied’ to architecture and more specifically to the particular obsessions that have historically been presented here. Questions of appropriateness and legibility are difficult to grasp in the context of a community whose research focus is being pulled in many directions. Technological advances software, robots, bioengineering and the push towards emergent systems or parametricism as theoretical frameworks, are providing us with an interesting moment in which to ask the question who are appropriate allies in the development of architectural projects
keywords⁄integrative design2011
Year 2011
Authors Johnson, Jason S.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 34-37
Library link N/A
Entry filename integrating-difference