Integrating CADD into the AEC Process - A Case Study (1985)

article⁄Integrating CADD into the AEC Process - A Case Study (1985)
abstract⁄A research grant was awarded to the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Houston by Nash PhillipsCopus, a large homebuilding corporation, to study the integration of computer aided design into the entire building process. A computer aided design system had been utilized by the firm’s department of architecture and planning for several months. A team of University faculty and graduate students studied the organization of the firm with respect to functions that could be automated. Its determination was that by utilizing an integrated data base, with information to be extracted from the computer generated drawings, the entire process of bidding and building a structure could be made more efficient and cost effective. The research team developed a system in which cost estimating could be done directly from the drawings. As drawings were modified, new reports could be automatically generated. More design solutions could be studied from the impact of cost as well as aesthetics. Additionally, once plans were drawn, a program written by students would automatically generate elevations of wall panels to be sent to the construction department for its use, and which would also generate material reports. The team also studied techniques of computer modelling for usage by the architectural planning department in client presentations.
Year 1985
Authors Bollinger, Elizabeth.
Issue ACADIA Workshop ‘85
Pages 13-24
Library link Patricia G. Macintosh, 1985. bib⁄ACADIA Workshop '85. ACADIA.
Entry filename integrating-cadd-into-aec-process-case