Innovative Puzzles (2011)

article⁄Innovative Puzzles (2011)
abstract⁄Matter and information information and matter. A puzzle unveiled little by little. Hardly surprising since every atom, molecule, and basic particle in the universe registers bits of information. All interactions between these components, inert and alive, owe their existence to matter’s intrinsic ability to process information. Such aptitude explains how complex systems can arise from fundamentally simple organizational laws. In fact, the world’s almost infinite material combinations, viable through such few basic elements, are one of the most visible expressions of these capabilities. Triggered by the developments in quantum physics across the twentieth century, our understanding of material processes radically shifted our impressions of the world. For decades our scales of perception and manipulation have continued to expand into almost unfathomable boundaries. Yet, the study of the interdependencies between matter and information is still fundamentally part of the sciences and engineering. Only just recently did architecture venture into this inherently intricate field. The subsequent set of papers here presented posit fundamental interrogations of potential interdependencies between matter and information. Without fear to confront the obstacles of delving into a largely unexplored field of architecture, these researchers forge new frontiers of interrelating computational parameters to multiphysics in the complex settings of architectural scale. Unlike other epistemologies, architecture cannot be reduced to a single scale of exploration. We can neither restrict scalar boundaries i.e., nano to micro, nor reduce morphologies to simplify the processing of multiple physics without compromising the design problem. By default, it is more difficult to conceptually and numerically articulate the abstract and numerical criteria of complex geometries and material variables.
Year 2011
Authors Gutierrez, Maria Paz.
Issue ACADIA 11: Integration through Computation
Pages 70-71
Library link N/A
Entry filename innovative-puzzles